Hari ni mmg keje copy paste jek..ni citer best aku dpt dr buletin Friendster..tp cam dh biase dpt email kot psal ni..x pela, bacala sbg panduan :)
Pada suatu pagi di satu sekolah menengah, ada seorang pelajar bertanya pada seorang guru yang sedang mengajar. Ketika itu, guru tersebut sedang menyentuh mengenai kasih dan sayang secara am. Dialog di antara pelajar dan guru tersebut berbunyi begini :
Pelajar : Cikgu, macam mana kita nak pilih seseorang yang terbaik sebagai orang paling kita sayang?. Macam mana juga kasih sayang itu nak berkekalan?
Cikgu : Oh, awak nak tahu ke?.Emmm...baiklah, sekarang kamu buat apa yang saya suruh. Ikut je ye...mungkin kamu akan dapat apa jawapannya.
Pelajar : Baiklah...apa yang saya harus buat?
Cikgu : Kamu pergi ke padang sekolah yang berada di luar kelas sekarang juga. Kamu berjalan di atas rumput di situ dan sambil memandang rumput di depan kamu, pilih mana yang PALING cantik tanpa menoleh ke belakang lagi walaupun sekali. Dan kamu petiklah rumput yang PALING cantik yang berada di depan kamu tersebut dan selepas itu bawa balik ke kelas.
Pelajar : Ok. Saya pergi sekarang dan buat apa yang cikgu suruh.
Apabila pelajar tersebut balik semula ke kelas, tiada pun rumput yang berada di tangannya. Maka cikgu pun bertanya kepada pelajar tersebut.
Cikgu : Mana rumput yang cikgu suruh petik?
Pelajar : Oh, tadi saya berjalan di atas rumput dan sambil memandang rumput yang berada di situ, saya carilah rumput yang paling cantik. Memang ada banyak yang cantik tapi cikgu kata petik yang paling cantik maka saya pun terus berjalan ke depan sambil mencari yang paling cantik tanpa menoleh ke belakang lagi. Tapi sampai di penghujung padang , saya tak jumpa pun yang paling cantik. Mungkin ada di antara yang di belakang saya sebelum itu tapi dah cikgu cakap tak boleh menoleh ke belakang semula, jadi tiadalah rumput yang saya boleh petik.
Cikgu : Ya, itulah jawapannya. Maknanya, apabila kita telah berjumpa dengan seseorang yang kita sayang, janganlah kita hendak mencari lagi yang lebih baik daripada itu. Kita patut hargai orang yang berada di depan kita sebaik-baiknya. Janganlah kita menoleh ke belakang lagi kerana yang berlaku tetap dah berlaku. Dan semoga yang berlalu tidak lagi berulang. Jika kita berselisih faham dengan orang yang kita sayang itu, kita boleh perbetulkan keadaan dan cuba teruskan perhubungan tersebut walaupun banyak perkara yang menggugat perhubungan tersebut. Dan ingatlah orang yang kita sayang itulah kita jumpa paling cantik dan paling baik pada MULAnya walaupun nak ikutkan banyak lagi yang cantik dan baik seperti rumput tadi. KECUALILAH jika perhubungan tersebut tak boleh diselamatkan lagi, maka barulah kita mulakan sekali lagi. Maka sayangilah orang yang berada di depan kita dengan tulus dan ikhlas.
Oct 9, 2009
CoPy Paste lagi...
Posted by naachoce at 11:36 PM 3 comments
Labels: ape..ape..aje
Post from Etty's
Posted by naachoce at 5:01 PM 3 comments
Labels: ape..ape..aje
Oct 4, 2009
Nak g open hse x jd la plak =(
Sdeh btol rasenya..punya plan nk g open hse hr ni, tup..tup x jd..sbb org yg aku janji nk g same buat2 busy plak..geram btol aku rase..
Aku pnye la prepare baju, Sabtu pg before g opis (Sabtu pun aku kne kje =(..), kalut aku bsuh baju n jmur sbb lupe nak bsuh baju raye mase blk dr kg hr tu..ptg tu dr opis, before blk umh kakak aku kat Kajang, aku singgah umh dlu amik bju raye..punye la semangat nk g open hse kan..
Mane x nye, dak opis aku bukannye ramai sgt pun yg wt open hse, rasenye ni sorg je la, tu yg semngat lebih cket tu..
Tgk2 mbe aku leh cncel plak x nak gi..bg mcm2 alasan..yg bestnye, siap suh aku g ngn dak2 opis lain lagi..dah la dh last minit baru nk suh, dak2 lain seme laki lak tu..aku plak dh lame x kontek dierang..malu la tbe2 nk ngajak kan..pastu leh plak die ckp die x janji pun, die ckp tgk dulu..lagi la aku geram..eiii...grrrrr!!!
Sabar je la aku...nasib la skang ni duk umh kak ita aku yg kat Ampang, ade la jgk Danish penghibur hati..huhuhu....Tgk la tuh..
Posted by naachoce at 8:52 PM 3 comments
Labels: weekend activity
Sep 30, 2009
H1N1 datang lagi??
Penat baru blk keje, teringat something aku nk share kat blog ni..ape lagi, trus bukak blog.
Aku dpt email ni member opis, berita psal H1N1 menyerang lagi!! Ish, tak abis2 H1N1 ni..
MEXICO CITY - The next wave of swine flu has arrived, and Mexicans are bracing for an outbreak that may be even larger than the one here last spring that became a pandemic.
Daily diagnoses reached higher levels in September than the H1N1 peak in April, with 483 new cases in just one day this month alone.
It's unlikely there will be large-scale closings of schools and stadiums, however, because health officials know the virus is usually mild if treated early.
"We know the situation is not as serious" as officials feared last spring, said Health Secretary Jose Angel Cordova.
Still, 3,000 schools were closed last week as a result of the virus. That number has dropped to 128, Education Secretary Alonso Lujambio told senators Wednesday, as he said officials are still developing the criteria they will use to shut down schools in the future.
When the first cases of swine flu were confirmed in late April, Mexico 's government immediately ordered the closure of all schools, museums, libraries and theaters in the capital. Within days, schools nationwide, restaurant dining rooms and other businesses shut down, streets mostly emptied and soldiers handed out millions of face masks.
Mexico could see up to 5 million cases of swine flu during this winter's flu season and deaths could reach 2,000, Cordova said.
Some hospitals already have the same number of swine flu patients as they had in April, he said Thursday. Officials are negotiating with laboratories to secure doses of a vaccine by October, he added.
Mexico had 29,417 reported cases and 226 deaths as of Friday.
The World Health Organization says more than 300,000 cases of H1N1 have been confirmed throughout the world, and more than 3,900 people have died from the virus.
Another swine flu wave looms in Mexico
Mexico learned a lot about coping with swine flu last spring. Now, the knowledge gained will be needed as a new flu season begins.
Flu Rx? Russia blocks U.S. pork, Costa Rica bars kissing
The government of Cuba suspended flights to and from Mexico for 48 hours, Russia banned imported pork from at least 11 U.S. states and medical help lines in Europe were inundated, as the world reacted apprehensively Tuesday to the swine flu outbreak.
Venezuela, Russia and Guatemala warned their citizens against traveling to Mexico and the United States . Peru and Britain limited the warning to Mexico .
In Costa Rica , the health minister suggested that its citizens temporarily stop greeting one another with the traditional kiss on the cheek. Costa Rican officials confirmed their first case Tuesday, a 21-year-old woman who came on a flight from Mexico last week.
Associated Press
MEXICO CITY -- Mexico is preparing for a second wave of swine flu, looking at what worked and what didn't last spring when it banned everything from dining out to attending school in an effort to control the virus.
As the Northern Hemisphere flu season begins, the rest of the world is also studying Mexico 's experience, looking for measures to replicate and costly mistakes to avoid.
So what worked? Public awareness; rapid diagnosis, treatment and quarantine; and a near-compulsive outbreak of hand-washing.
What didn't? Travel bans, school closures, overuse of antibiotics and those flimsy paper face masks that tangled hair, and slid down necks.
When swine flu first flared up in Mexico in April, the government erred on the side of caution, closing schools and museums, banning public gatherings, playing soccer games to empty stadiums and telling people not to shake hands or kiss one another on the cheek. This bustling city of 18 million became eerily hollow.
Mexican health officials say they made the right call.
``Since we were the first country affected by the flu, we didn't know the possible magnitude and severity, so we took measures that we now know can be [focused],'' said Dr. Pablo Kuri, the health secretary's special influenza advisor.
In hindsight, Mexico 's most effective action -- one now emulated around the world -- was immediately telling its own citizens when the new virus was detected.
Not every country has been so candid: China was heavily criticized for its slow response to SARS in 2003, while Argentina refused to declare a national public health emergency when swine flu flared there in July.
But Mexico 's openness didn't come cheap: Economists say the outbreak cost the country billions of dollars, mostly in tourism.
`` Mexico shared information early and frequently,'' said Dr. Jon Andrus at the Pan American Health Organization's Washington headquarters. `` Mexico did this at great cost to its economy, but it was the right thing to do.''
At the height of the epidemic in March, you could hardly make it a block in Mexico City without a masked public health worker, maitre d', bus driver or store owner squeezing a dollop of antiseptic gel onto your hands.
Health experts say the masks probably did little to stop the virus from spreading. Masks are now advised only for health care workers and people already infected.
``Clearly, millions of Mexicanos wore masks this spring everywhere they went, but H1N1 continued to spread,'' said Laurie Garrett, a senior fellow at the New York-based Council on Foreign Relations.
Hopefully benda ni x smpai kat Msia lagi skali..Pape pun, sentiasa la berjaga2 & amalkan langkah2 utk elak H1N1 ni..Will be in my next post =)
Posted by naachoce at 9:37 PM 0 comments
Labels: info
Sep 23, 2009
Selamat Hari Raye
Hm..raye cam biase jer..agak boring cket, x de ape nk cite..lari topik cket la, citer psal date 110909 yg dah lame lepas :)..Tahun ni org cbuk duk cite psal 090909, aku nk cite 110909..2 hari kedepan, ok la kan..
ekceli, date tu bday aku yg ke-25..muda lagi..hehe..disebabkan bulan pose, x leh aku wat grand party (alasan..) tiap2 tahun pon mmg x de party sebenarnye..tp thun ni ade la celebretion cket2..mlm bday tu, osmate aku blikan kek..kek coklat name ape tah..best keknye..sedaaaap & comei..tgk la!!
TQ osmate2 ku..TQ soo much!muahx! aku leh taruk gmbar kek je la sbb parti nye dibuat di rumah & semuanya pakai uniform tido yg cun2 :) The next day tu plak (on 110909) member aku banje makan berbuka (atas paksaan..haha) kat Laksa Shack..disebabkan aku x pnah mkn kat sini, jd rase spesel gak la kat sini..kiteorg mkn nasi beriani set utk 2 org..sodap jgk nasi beriani die, nmpk cket, tp jenuh nak abiskan..sempat aku snap gmbor mase berbuka tuh..ayu kan :)
Then hari Sabtu tu plak(120909), Kak Lynn wat party berbuka + party bday aku ngn die (bday die 0409)..ekceli main perpose nk ajak adik beradik bukak same2 sbb x pnah lagi buka same sepjg bulan pose ni..hari tu aku x smpat snap gmbar..ade kek gak..disponser oleh abg ku, abg Syam n family..bole la tiup2 lilin lagi!! TQ bro!!
Bday kali ni jgk aku berjaya kumpul 2 hadiah..satu kakak aku bg..die bagi keronsang yg berbentuk..err..x tau la cane nk discribe bentuk ape..tp die kalerful, kena la ngn baju raye aku yg kalerfull tuh :) TQ sis! Sori, gmbar tade, aku x berjaya amik gmbar yg clear, silau..
lg satu hadiah bday aku dpt secara x sengaja dr mbe opis..aku kirim jam kat die sbb die g US, die blk few days after bday aku..bila die tau bday aku, trus die ckp x yah byr la..hadiah bday..sonot giler!!haha..tp rase segan la jgk kan sbb aku yg kirim..after few times aku ckap nk byr (kengkonon rase bersalah la...) tp die ckp x pe, then aku pun accept je la..haha..ni die jamnye..cantek kannn??
Jd dapat la aku beraye ngn jam n keronsang baru :)
Okie la kengkawan, smpai sini dulu..dihari raye ni hati2 bwk kete..lau buat open house, jgn lupe jemput aku ye!!
Posted by naachoce at 11:58 AM 3 comments
Sep 6, 2009
buke pose..
Posted by naachoce at 11:39 PM 2 comments
Sep 4, 2009
Some info to share..
For those yg x tau (mcm aku..), ni psal minyak RON 95 & 97..
RON rendah x sepatutnya menyebabkan prestasi enjin merosot:
Nilai oktana tidak ada kaitan dengan kandungan tenaga di dalam bahan api, ataupun kelajuan bagi api palam pencucuh untuk sampai merentasi kebuk pembakaran. Ia hanya ukuran ketahanan bahan api terhadap nyalaan sendiri. Oleh itu, ia sepatut tidak menjejaskan prestasi enjin. But still, it depend on keperluan gred minima enjin kereta kita. Kalau ikut dari email2 yg aku dapat, kete Msia should be okay dgn RON 95..
Posted by naachoce at 1:07 AM 3 comments
Labels: info
Aug 31, 2009
Ramadhan Mubarak..
Posted by naachoce at 6:26 AM 7 comments
Labels: weekend activity
Jul 31, 2009
Posted by naachoce at 11:20 PM 3 comments
Labels: TAG
Posted by naachoce at 10:34 PM 1 comments
Labels: busan
Jul 21, 2009
Wedding Buzzy
Posted by naachoce at 1:01 AM 6 comments
Labels: wedding
Jul 19, 2009
HOT FM le Tour de gerai
Posted by naachoce at 12:28 AM 0 comments
Jul 18, 2009
Danish's Birthday Party
Posted by naachoce at 12:47 PM 3 comments
Jul 16, 2009
Seminggu di Ampang...
Posted by naachoce at 8:38 PM 3 comments
Labels: ape..ape..aje
Jun 28, 2009
Port baru nak makan2..my cafe
Posted by naachoce at 1:05 AM 4 comments
Labels: weekend activity
Jun 25, 2009
Skarang ni...
Posted by naachoce at 11:49 PM 0 comments
Labels: ape..ape..aje
Jun 17, 2009
Tudung...OK ke KO??
Posted by naachoce at 11:19 PM 3 comments
Labels: ape..ape..aje
Jun 11, 2009
TAG dari kakakku..
Allah berfirman:
"Ketika Aku menciptakan seorang wanita, ia diharuskan untuk menjadi seorang yang istimewa...
~Aku membuat bahunya cukup kuat untuk menopang dunia, namun, harus cukup lembut untuk memberikan kenyamanan.
~Aku memberikannya kekuatan dari dalam untuk mampu melahirkan anak dan menerima penolakan yang seringkali datang dari anak-anaknya.
~Aku memberinya kekerasan untuk membuatnya tetap tegar ketika orang-orang lain menyerah, dan mengasuh keluarganya dengan penderitaan dan kelelahan tanpa mengeluh.
~Aku memberinya kepekaan untuk mencintai anak-anaknya dalam setiap keadaan,bahkan ketika anaknya bersikap sangat menyakiti hatinya.
~Aku memberinya kekuatan untuk mendukung suaminya dalam kegagalannya dan melengkapi dengan tulang rusuk suaminya untuk melindungi hatinya.
~Aku memberinya kebijaksanaan untuk mengetahui bahawa seorang suami yang baik takkan pernah sakiti isterinya, tetapi kadang menguji kekuatannya dan ketetapan hatinya untuk berada disisi suaminya tanpa ragu.
~Dan akhirnya, Aku memberinya air mata untuk dititiskan. Ini adalah khusus miliknya untuk digunakan bilapun ia perlukan."
Ngam2 je 7..
Aku tatau nak tag sape..xde mbe lagi nih..sesape yg jenguk blog aku (kalau ade..hehe) silakan buat eh..chiao~
Posted by naachoce at 12:47 AM 2 comments
Labels: TAG